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Home page > Our news > METROLOGY22 - Determinations of intentionally (IAS) and non intentionally (NIAS) added substances in food contact materials (FCM)
METROLOGY22 - Determinations of intentionally (IAS) and non intentionally (NIAS) added substances in food contact materials (FCM)
The Tsakalidis Analysis & Testing laboratory, always supporting the creative dialogue and capturing the challenges & concerns of the Metrology community, participated in the 8th Metrology Conference - METROLOGY 22.
The Head of the Packaging Materials Laboratory, Ms. Xanthidou Kyriaki, in the framework of the topic "CHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS II" presented a fieldwork under the title "Determination of intentionally (IAS) and non intentionally (NIAS) added substances in food contact materials (FCM)".
The Conference was held on 01 & 02 July 2022 in Thessaloniki, at the KD.EA. Building of AUTH and was co-organized by the
- Hellenic Union of Laboratories - HellasLab and
- Chemistry Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH),
The Conferences’ Program as well as the covered thematic topics, can be found here.